Hopco's two new hop varieties sell out
Fifteen hours after announcing the arrival of two new hop varieties onto the Australian market, Tasmania-based hop broker Hopco put up the ‘sold out’ sign.
The two new Kiwi hop varieties, called HORT9909 and HORT4337, have been cultivated by New Zealand Hops in collaboration with the Plant and Food Research Institute New Zealand.
Still part of the Institutes’ extensive breeding program, HORT9909 and HORT4337 will continue to go by their horticultural names as they enter this next extensive brewery trial phase.
Hopco Manager Jon Burridge told Brews News that HORT9909 and HORT4337 are expected to land in Australia in about two to three weeks time.
Burridge said that while Hopco didn’t have a big volume of either hop, the company still sold out within 15 hours. Burridge said he apologises to those that have enquired after the new varieties but missed out.
“We hope to get more from the 2019 harvest happening in March, which will be landing in Australia in late April early May,” he said.
Burridge said that the hops that have been ordered will be dispatched to breweries almost immediately, with beers exhibiting the new varieties expected to be out in the market in seven to eight weeks.
“New Zealand is really bringing out some forward-flavoured hops, putting them on the map globally,” he said.
According to New Zealand Hops, “Typical applications for HORT0090 are yet to be established, although trial indications have seen a leaning toward dual-purpose uses in single hopped beers”.
“It has been especially good in new-world style pilsners and lagers with a solid clean bitterness and where very late, as well as dry hopping, has promoted the typical crisp mineral noble hop notes along with citrus lime to carry the sweetness of higher ABV styles. Quality bitterness from its noble hop pedigree is a real standout.”
In its description of HORT0090, Hopco said that “Despite boasting some seriously impressive noble hop lineage, HORT0090 isn’t afraid to show off some new world flair”.
Burridge told Brews News that when HORT4337 was first flagged as a potential, commercially-viable variety two or three years ago, it was nicknamed ‘WOW’ by selectors for its sensational aroma.
New Zealand Hops said that given HORT4337’s big flavour and aroma characteristics, “most brewing trials have focussed on the production of bigger styles such as IPA’s where late hop additions, including cold side, have displayed pronounced fruity hop characters to produce hop-forward beers”.
A daughter to Pacific Jade and sister of Waimea, HORT4337 is described byHopco as “the latest New Zealand hops’ family member to pay homage to the entire fruit aisle at your local IGA”.
“Strong tropical characteristics alongside those of citrus and stone fruit have all been noted in a number of brewing trials, with a strong emphasis on those bold styles we all know and love.”