Indy brewers recruiting for a CEO

Independent Brewers Association
The Independent Brewers Association announces today the outcomes of their Strategic Review which includes a finalisation of several important foundations, including its:
1. Vision, Mission & Goals
2. 2018 Deliverables
3. 2018-19 Org Chart
4. 2018 Plan on a Page
“At the end of last year we had consultants conduct a Strategic Organisational Review of the IBA’s operations,” said IBA Chair, Ben Kooyman.
“It was found that 5 years of hard work has been firmly in the right direction through great contributions from many stakeholders, but there are many opportunities and challenges ahead.
“A key recommendation was to increase the IBA’s human resources to allow it to deliver on the goals set out in our 2025 Strategic Plan.
“The Board has decided on making a number of changes in this area with up-weighted roles for its existing staff, and a key new leadership role which has immediately instigated the recruitment of a CEO to have overarching responsibility for all aspects of the IBA’s operations.”
“This is an important step in the organisation’s development and it will help us deliver on our vision of quality independent beer everywhere,” said Kooyman.
Chris McNamara will be acting CEO until the recruitment process is completed.
Details of the CEO position can be found on the IBA website for the next 2 weeks here: whilst the Strategic Review outputs will soon be hosted on the Member’s Section of the IBA website.
Any further information can be requested from IBA Chair Ben Kooyman (ben@endeavourbeer.com).
See the IndependentBrewers Australia job advertisement on Brews News here.