Lion to sell UK's Magic Rock and Fourpure
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Tuesday, 18 January: Lion today announced that it is reviewing options for its Lion Little World Beverages UK business.
Managing Director of Lion Little World Beverages UK, Gordon Treanor said:
“Both Magic Rock and Fourpure are well-established, award winning modern craft brands. Crafted in our state-of-the-art breweries, our beers resonate with consumers across the UK, while our businesses remain deeply connected to their local communities.
“Despite difficult trading conditions over the past two years, we have continued to invest in the business and have been building momentum. We believe that the business is well placed to benefit, particularly as trading conditions improve.”
“At the same time, Lion has made very significant craft beer investments in both Australia and the United States, to the extent that our US business is now a leading US craft brewer. Like any business, we need to make choices as to where we continue to direct our investment.
“While no decisions have been made, we need to determine how to best set Magic Rock and Fourpure up for success in the coming years.
“Our team have been informed of the review and we are committed to supporting them through this time”.
“While the review is underway, we remain totally focused on brewing and delivering world-class craft beer to our customers and consumers.”