Moo Brew partners with Wilderness Society

Tasmanian Giant Freshwater lobster
The Wilderness Society has teamed up with one of Australia’s favourite craft breweries to create Giant Lobster Ale – a strictly limited but incredibly sessionable alt ale.
It’s inspired by reports from back in the day, when The Tasmanian Giant Freshwater Lobster (the world’s largest freshwater invertebrate) helped bushmen open beers with its powerful pincers.
After decades of poaching, and with its northwest Tasmanian mountain stream habitat under threat from mining pollution and habitat loss, the Giant Freshwater Lobster faces extinction.
Local brewing legends Moo Brew (the brewing arm of MONA), have come to the party, providing their time, expertise and ingredients to make this beer a reality.
But it was a successful crowdfunder campaign supported by members and supporters of The Wilderness Society that brought the beer to market.
The campaign has already cleared its first hurdle, convincing Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg to sign the Giant Freshwater Lobster Recovery Plan.
All profits from the beer sales will help keep the pressure on the Tasmanian Government until this gentle giant’s home is protected by law.
Available exclusively through Beer Cartel , this limited edition beer is even more endangered than the lobster (and they’re pretty endangered).
This one’s conveniently sold in cans. Because not everyone has a Giant Freshwater Lobster handy. So go on, drink a beer and save a legend.
What: Giant Lobster Ale – a collaboration between Moo Brew and The Wilderness Society A rare old-style cool fermented ‘Alt Ale’. Well-balanced, easy drinking at 4.5% ABV. A touch of bitterness, toasty aroma. Clear copper-coloured, like the tannin-stained waters it calls home.
When: Available from Wednesday 22 November 2017 until stocks run out.
Where: Beer Cartel (via giantlobster.com.au)
Why: Raising money to protect the Giant Freshwater Lobster’s habitat. And because beer.
For more information contact: Rob Beamish, Communications Director, The Wilderness Society Phone 0412 497 349 / rob.beamish@wilderness.org.au