New brewhouse range now available
Signature Series Brew Houses
Brewtique Signature Series Brew Houses offer unrivalled quality and value for money in today’s competitive brewing arena. Made under the supervision of Brewtique’s own Master Brewer, a simplified range of sizes and configurations allows a rapid and highly cost effective solution.
These Brew houses are a complete solution. As well as all the brewing vessels, Brewtique will provide you with a detailed brewery layout and include all heating and refrigeration, pipe-work and cabling. Commissioning of the brewery by their trained staff is included and they’ll also do the first brew with you to show you how it all works.
The brew house is available in three sizes:
500L, 1000L & 2000L with single or double fermenters and bright beer tanks.
Available configurations:
- 2 Vessel (Mash/Kettle/Whirlpool + Lauter)
- 3 Vessel (Mash + Lauter + Kettle/Whirlpool)
- 4 Vessel (Mash + Kettle + Whirlpool + Lauter)
Brewtique can also provide additional infrastructure such as CIP carts, pumps, keg washers & fillers and a full range of laboratory equipment to complete your brewery set-up.
Every brew house purchased includes a couple of hours of our Master Brewer’s time if you need expert advice on your project. Additional consultancy is available if needed.
Enquiries to Brewtique 0nsales@brewtique.com.au