NTIA welcomes NSW Government Liquor Act
Articles published under the media release byline are news produced by the relevant business and remain unedited by Brews News. This media release was circulated by the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA).
The NTIA welcomes the announcement from NSW Government regarding the thawing of the liquor freeze in the Sydney CBD.
In a statement released today, Michael Rodrigues, Chair of the NTIA said:
“The liquor freeze is one of a number of outdated restrictions still in place from another era. The NTIA has been calling for its removal since the NSW Government Music and Arts Economy inquiry in 2018.”
“The after effects of COVID are going to be felt most acutely in the nation’s CBDs for a number of reasons. Firstly the CBDs are dependent on mass transit which will have restrictions on numbers for some time and which consumers have reservations in using. Many people will also want to remain working from home. This will have a material impact on the business lunch and after work trade on which our CBDs many venues are dependent.”
“In addition to removing restrictions, Governments need to be proactive in incentivising consumers to return to our CBDs, particularly at night. This could include free transport, free parking and subsidised entertainment. An acceleration in our cycleways program is a no-brainer. And in the medium term, Government should be working with the commercial property sector in relation to increasing the residential mix including affordable housing options in our city centres.”
“But this is not only the Government’s issue to solve. Industry must continue to improve its level of collaboration particularly in the CBD. How can a precinct work together with festivals and retail to deliver a compelling offer for Sydneysiders to overcome their inertia and get out of the house.”
“We would encourage the NSW Government to continue to think boldly about Sydney’s future nightlife. And that must include the removal of the lockout laws which are still in place in Kings Cross.”
About the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA):
The Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) was formed in 2018, following the commencement of Sydney’s Lockout Laws in 2014 and the ongoing effect it had on Sydney’s Music and Arts Economy. The objective of the NTIA is to promote Sydney as a vibrant and creative city, and specifically, to build a new positive narrative for Sydney’s lightlife. The NTIA membership comprises stakeholders in the night time economy from multiple sectors, including: Hospitality, Entertainment Venues, Festivals, Retail, Arts, Music & Culture, Precincts, Comedy and Visitor economy.
In March 2020 prompted by the impact of COVID-19 related physical distancing measures, the NTIA launched the Keep Our Venues Alive campaign which aims to mitigate the human impact on the hospitality sector (including venues and their supply chains), to help businesses in the sector trade to the best of their ability for so long as physical distancing measures prevail, and to position the sector for a rapid recovery as physical distancing abates.
The Night Time Industries Association commenced as a Sydney-focused organisation, but recognising the Covid-19 impact is national, the Keep Our Venues Alive campaign has meant the NTIA has established satellite teams in Victoria and Tasmania.
About Keep Our Venues Alive (KOVA):
KOVA seeks to:
1. mitigate the human impact on the hospitality sector (including venues and their supply chains) across:
a. all employees whether full, part-time or casual, whether resident or foreign; and;
b. self employed business owners;
2. help businesses in the sector trade to the best of their ability for so long as physical distancing measures prevail; and
3. otherwise protect the sector so that it can ramp up quickly after the crisis and as part of Australia’s economic recovery
To achieve these aims, KOVA:
(a) works with government to advocate for the sector and better inform policy decisions;
(b) provides industry-specific analysis and commentary on any crisis related Government support packages, measures, rules or restrictions that may help or hinder businesses, consolidating information into one accessible point of distribution; and
(c) harnesses the power of our collaborative industry into a force for good, cultivating new relationships between stakeholders and facilitating opportunities for innovation and creative approaches that will improve sector output and resilience in the medium to long term.
While KOVA is open to sector wide participation the NTIA recognises that many of KOVA’s actively engaged stakeholders are either (i) small to medium hospitality businesses, or (ii) large operating groups.