Philter launches ‘Unphiltered Promises’ campaign

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From Marrickville to the Goldie, politicians seldom say what they mean or keep their promises. So for this year’s GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers, Philter Brewing[Philter] believes it’s time someone told it exactly how it is and gave their constituents exactly what they want – even if they didn’t expect it. Introducing ‘Unphiltered Promises’, Philter’s satirical 1980’s style ‘election’ campaign aimed at driving votes for its leading XPA in this year’s GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers.

By tapping into common niggly issues in each area of the country, Philter Brewing is making promisesto fix them in seductively unrealistic ways if the leading craft beer brand successfully achieves a top 10 finish for their XPA in the high profile annual poll. “It’s GABS election season and the gloves are off. We’re making some Unphiltered Promises to get Aussies voting for Philter’s XPA with our ultimate goal of achieving a Top 10 finish.” “We know the residents of Marrickville are tired of potholes on their roads. So if you get Philter’s XPA into the GABS Hottest 100 Top 10, we’ll fill them with our sturdy brew. Crazy right? But give Philter a vote and watch us come good on our Unphiltered Promises.” Co-Founder and Partner at Philter Brewing, Mick Neil “It’s been a massive five years since our brand began and we’ve just celebrated our birthday by doubling our brewery capacity to keep up with demand. So far, our success has been mostly organic but we’re entering a new phase of our business now and part of this is to get serious about making the Top Ten in the GABS Hottest 100.” said Co-Founder and Partner at Philter Brewing, Mick Neil.

“Unphiltered Promises gives us a chance to show that, and actually make some difference in the world – even if some of the promises make us sound nuts,” said Co-Founder and Partner at Philter Brewing, Stef Constantoulas.

Voting in this year’s GABS Hottest 100 Aussie Craft Beers is easy –click hereto vote for Philter Brewing.

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