Pink Boots Australia BrewCon 2021 scholarships open
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In line with their mission to support, educate and empower female beer professionals, Pink Boots Society Australia is proud to open applications for their annual scholarships to the IBA BrewCon beer conference.
After a year off, Pink Boots Society Australia is excited to offer this scholarship again.
Pink Boots is offering four members the opportunity to attend the conference, held on Sunshine Coast on 31 August to 1 September. The successful applicants will receive a ticket to the conference, return economy flights and accommodation. (Travel will be 30 Aug – 2 Sept)
To apply for a scholarship, applicants will need to discuss in 500 words or less:
- Why you would like to go to the conference?
- What you expect to get from the conference?
- How will you ‘Pay It Forward’ to your fellow Pink Boots Society members?
Since 2016, Pink Boots Society Australia has offered scholarships to BrewCon for members to develop their knowledge and skillset and network with industry. A key consideration of the scholarship applications is the Pay It Forward, an opportunity for recipients to build on their conference experience with benefits for both themselves and their fellow members. The Pay It Forward was the idea of Pink Boots Society founder, Teri Fahrendorf, when establishing the scholarship program.
“When I was designing what Pink Boots Society could or would be, I thought about what the society could do to help women surmount and surpass anything that could be holding them back, I determined that education could do that” says Teri. “Education is how we are going to get women to the next level of their careers.”
“So we had a plan for the scholarship program and our goal is to support every woman in beer around the world. We wanted to make the whole world, and the beer world, a better place than we found it in a fair and ethical way – so how do we help others beyond the scholarships? We have to ensure that each scholarship benefits as many members as possible and the beer industry at large. I realised that communication was key and the Pay It Forward came to be.”
“The Pay It Forward requirement ensures as many people benefit as possible through sharing the knowledge gained. Recipients can represent themselves as experienced and qualified women authors and speakers, who automatically become role models for our younger members (and role models for potential female beer drinkers) just by being visible.”
“It helps our members “step up” toward becoming tomorrow’s beer industry leaders through gaining confidence and communication skills through completing their Pay It Forward.”
Tiffany Waldron, President of Pink Boots Australian Chapter, said “After a year off, we’re so pleased to be able to offer this scholarship again to members. It’s been a tough year across our industry, and BrewCon this year will offer an excellent opportunity for education, networking and connecting back in with those thatmove the Australian beer industry. This scholarship is something we’ve been very proud to offer for five years now.”
The scholarships are open to anyone who is a Pink Boots member. Membership is open to women who are actively employed or retired from a career in the beer industry, who are in the process of opening a brewery or are students currently enrolled in a beer industry focused program. Membership to the Australian chapter can be organised through www.pinkbootssociety.org/membership.
Applications can be submitted through this form by 5pm Friday 16 July. Terms and conditions for the scholarships can be found via www.pinkbootssociety.com.au.
Successful applications will be notified on Friday 30 July and the Scholarship Recipients will be announced on the Pink Boots Australia Facebook page.
Tiffany added, “The opportunity to provide local scholarships to Australian members is only possible due to the extraordinary support of the industry – from collaboration brew days, hop blend donations and other events held throughout the year. Thank you to everyone who participated and supported these events and to every venue across the country who put a Pink Boots beer on tap.”
“Pink Boots Society Australia would also like to thank the judges involved in the 2019 application process – Jacqui Sacco (Co-Conspirators Co-Founder and Pink Boots Society Australia Events & Comms Co-ordinator), Lauren Jack (Ballistic Brewing – Head of Operations), Flora Ghisoni (Craft & Co Head Brewer and former scholarship recipient), Phil Meddings (Bintani Australia) and Kylie Lethbridge (IBA GM)”
For more information email Tiffany Waldron at info@pinkboots.com.au