Radio Brews News - Episode 77 - Bronzed Brews
This week we catch up with homebrewer and author Peter Symons and discuss historical Australian beers.
Peter has self-published a book, Bronzed Brews: Home Brewing Old Australian Beers. The book came about as a result of research Peter did for Jamil Zainasheff on the Brewing with Style show, which spawned a four year research project into Australian brewing generally. It’s is a fascinating and well-researched look into Australia’s unique brewing history.
You can purchase the book via Lulu.
Don’t forget to send us your feedback, or leave a voice mail by calling (07) 3040 1508, that we’ll play on our next show.
Radio Brews News is hosted by Matt Kirkegaard and Pete Mitcham and is produced by Lachie Mackintosh.
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