Radio Brews News - Episode 90 - Tap Contracts
This week we have our panel discussion recording this week at Good Beer Week looking at the issue of tap contracts.
As part of the Cryer Malt Brewers Lounge at the Beer Deluxe Trade Hub in Melbourne, Radio Brews News hosted a number of discussion panels looking at hot topics in the brewing industry.
This panel looked at the issue of supply agreements between brewers and venues and whether they are mutually beneficial arrangements or denying commnsumers choice.
Our expert panel included:
- Mark Goulmy, General Manager of Coopers Premium Beverages
- Michael Conrad, Newstead Brewing
- Mazen Hajar, Hawkers Brewery
- Derek Cowes, Beer Buyer, Beer Deluxe Fed Square.
It was a great chat looking with some very forthright views expressed.
Thanks to all of the panellists, and to Beer Deluxe and Cryer Malt for hosting the event, as well as to Good Beer Week.
Send us your feedback, or leave a voice mail by calling (07) 3040 1508, that we’ll play on our next show.
Radio Brews News is hosted by Matt Kirkegaard and Pete Mitcham and is produced by Lachie Mackintosh.
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