RQFWS on the hunt for stewards for 2021
Content published as an Announcement is produced by the business(es) named in the announcement and remains unedited by Brews News.
Calling all beer enthusiasts!
The Royal Queensland Food and Wine Show (RQFWS) Beer Awards invites all interested individuals to express their interest in volunteering as a Steward for the 2021 competition.
Featuring a dedicated team of brewers, beer writersand industry figures, the RQFWSBeer Awards offers a comprehensive snapshot of the quality of Australian brewing and a trustworthy guide for consumers.
To ensure thecompetitionruns smoothly and efficiently, werequirededicated and skilled volunteer Stewards.
Don’t miss theopportunity to bepart of the RQFWS Beer Awards family.Express your interest now by clicking the button below.
Expressions of interest close22 January 2021.
Benefits of being aRQFWS Beer Awards Steward:
- Join our tight-knit family and make new ‘beer crazy’ friends and connections
- An opportunity to be at the heart of the competition and develop knowledge of the judging process
- Increased knowledge of beer and industry
- Engage with and networkwith industry professionals
- Learn about and sample award-winning beers
- Lunch and refreshments provided each day
Successful applicants will be advised by the end of January 2021.