Stone creates not-for-profit, inGrained Foundation
As a national not-for-profit, the inGrained Foundation’s mission is to support grassroots, environmental and social charities in the local areas where funds are donated. By fostering long term partnerships and responding to urgent situations of need, it aims to create sustained positive change by directing funds to support the community where and when it’s needed.
Since 2013, Stone & Wood Brewing Co has operated a community program under the inGrained banner which has raised and donated more than $630,000 to a long list of not for profits, grassroots organisations and individuals in their communities.
With the establishment of the inGrained Foundation, a formal separate entity has been created, to which Stone & Wood Brewing Co has committed to annually donate $1/100L of beer brewed to the not-for-profit going forward.
In addition to the annual donation, the Northern Rivers independent brewery will partner with inGrained for their own events, such as their annual Open Day in Murwillumbah (14 April) and Festival of the Stone (9 June) raising funds for nominated local charities in the area.
The Managing Director for Stone & Wood Brewing Co, Ben Summons said, “The Foundation will now continue the great work our team have been doing towards achieving the vision of helping grassroots organisations make meaningful progress in the community.”
“We’re inspired by the idea of being a village brewery and giving back to the community, so supporting the people who support us has always been a part of how we do business. The inGrained Foundation will now manage our donations going forward, together with raising further funds to create social change,” Ben said.
A Director of the inGrained Foundation, Jasmin Daly said it plans to be a sustainable not for profit by investing a portion of the funds in ethical investments.
“We are focused on building a pool of funds, so that investment income can form a part of future funding streams. This means the community can rely on us to be helping out their future generations,” she said.
The inGrained Foundation will partner with aligned charities to create progress in their communities whilst also being able to provide timely support when the local community needs it most. In the future, a granting program will be established providing a mechanism for charitable organisations to apply for funding.
To find out more and keep up to date with the inGrained Foundation’s developments and community activity, check out their website www.ingrainedfoundation.com.au.