Sydney Brewery sweeps beer and cider show
The Australian Liberal Party weren’t alone in unveiling a new Leader last week, as Sydney Royal held its own style of ‘spill’, appointing Australia’s newest beer and cider Champions on Friday night at Sydney Showground.
Record entries were received for the 2015 Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Show, which resulted in the greatest number of Gold medals ever awarded and the crowning of three Championships, two emphatically claimed by the same boutique producer, Sydney Brewery.
Sydney Brewery took out Champion Draught Beer and Champion Cider, while Australia’s longest-established craft brewery, Matilda Bay, produced by CUB Cascade Brewery, was awarded Champion Bottled Beer for its Redback Original.
Chair of Judges and Head Brewer at The Australian Brewery, Neal Cameron, said it was a phenomenal effort by both producers; however he was particularly impressed a small brewery could not only master a draught beer but accept top honours for cider as well.
“In all my years in the industry and judging, I have never seen a small producer deliver two Championship products in the draft and cider classes at one event. Sydney Brewery’s Lovedale Lager and Sydney Cider are exceptional brews and I encourage all enthusiasts to get out and support them,” Mr Cameron said.
“The quality at this year’s Show was the highest we’ve seen, however it’s no surprise when entries have climbed over three-fold since inception in 2007 and we award 15 gold medals, the most we’ve ever seen.
“Australia is seeing an enormous rise in the craft beer and cider industries and we’re witnessing quality products successfully enter our market – it’s an exciting time for all beer and cider enthusiasts around the country and we’re only expecting further growth,” said Mr Cameron.
The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW (RAS) hosts the most prestigious and competitive events on the industry calendar with the Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Show showcasing the best in Australian draught and bottled beer, as well as cider and perry, which have boomed in popularity in recent years.
The Sydney Royal Beer & Cider Show awarded 15 Gold, 55 Silver and 73 Bronze medals, in addition to three Championship trophies.
Classes judged in 2015 included Golden Lager, Dark Lager, Pale and Golden Ale, Amber and Dark Ale, Stouts and Porter, Wheat Beer, Strong Beer, Reduced Alcohol Beer, Cider, Perry and Speciality Beer.
Judging took place on Tuesday, 15 September, with winners announced at the sold out #GoodBrew Awards Night on Friday, 18 September, at The Stables, Sydney Showground.
Full results are available at: www.sydneyroyal.com.au/beercider