TAFE NSW announces 2019 microbrewing intake

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Media Release

TAFE NSW announces 2019 brewing intake

As the number of breweries in Australia continue to rise, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for brewing companies to find well-qualified and experienced brewers. With more home brewers and innovative entrepreneurs adding to Australia’s 150 plus microbreweries, IBISWorld has forecast that the industry will grow by 5% over the next five years.

Young Henrys founder Richard Adamson said the skills shortage is not only attributable to the sheer number of new breweries.

“The existing breweries are growing and need more brewers. As we grew, I couldn’t be on the brewery floor, I needed to be able to manage the business, so you need to be able to backfill those roles as well.”

Adamson said small breweries are also much more labour intensive than big breweries, so there is minimal transfer of candidates into craft beer as the majors’ volume declines.

“The big brewers rely on a fair bit of automation. That automation is not really affordable for small to mid-tier brewers, so they need more hands on deck.”

Following the success of the inaugural Certificate III in Food Processing (Micro-brewing) delivered at TAFE NSW Ultimo in 2017 and 2018, applications are now open for the first intake for 2019.

The one year, part-time Certificate III in Food Processing (Micro-brewing) is delivered at TAFE NSW Ultimo in the evening, and is aimed at people who wish to follow their passion for beer brewing, and move into a production role within the industry. The course is taught by a team of specialists including Richard Adamson (Young Henrys) and Neal Cameron, formerly of Australian Brewery, who are recognised as some of the best brewers in the business.

During the first semester, students gain a technical understanding of the brewing process from an analytical and sensory standpoint. The second semester focuses on the various stages of the brewing process, and the third semester focuses on beer quality management, food safety programs, production management and the economics of craft brewing. At the end of the course, students will be assessed at the TAFE NSW Ultimo micro-brewery facilities where they will be judged by industry experts on their brew.

Students will undertake hands-on work experience in a number of prominent Sydney breweries, including the likes of Young Henrys, 4 Pines Beer, James Squire Craft Beer and Akasha Brewing Company. This equips students with practical experience, as well as grasping insights into the challenges of running a successful craft brewery.

The course is assessed using a mix of practical demonstrations, written assessments and presentations. Previous graduates have been very successful and secured employment in the industry as a result of studying at TAFE NSW.

To meet industry demand, there will be two intakes in 2019. The first intake is for brewers already working in the industry, who wish to secure a formal qualification. The second intake is designed for those who are brand new to the industry.

As part of the application process, candidates will need to demonstrate the following:

  • Prior experience in brewing or working in the beer industry
  • A demonstrable passion for beer and a willingness to join the industry during or after the course
  • The ability to study 7-10 hours per week, as well as attend TAFE NSW Ultimo once a week (5-8pm)
  • Availability to attend fortnightly work experience over the duration of the course (weekdays only)

Certificate III in Food Processing (Micro-brewing) is now accepting applications for enrolment at TAFE NSW. For further information visit tafensw.edu.au or phone 131 601.

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