Tasmanian CDS open for consultation
Articles published under the media release byline are news produced by the relevant business and remain unedited by Brews News. This email correspondence was circulated by the Tasmanian Container Deposit Scheme.
Public consultation on Tasmania’s Container Refund Scheme is now open!
If you go to our website, you can take a look at the draft Bill, read our explanatory paper, and brush up on some FAQs. You can sign up for our online webinar for the public, to learn more and have your questions answered. And we’d love you to have your say by sending in a submission or filling out our short online survey. There are more details below.
Submissions close 5pm Friday 9 July 2021
From 2022, Tasmanians will get a refund for each eligible drink container they return to a designated Refund Point. The Container Refund Scheme (CRS) aims to reduce litter and increase recycling.
On Saturday 5 June, Minister for the Environment Roger Jaensch announced that public consultation was open on the draft Container Refund Scheme Bill 2021.
An online webinar is being held to discuss how the proposed Scheme will work and answer any questions you may have. You may like to then make a submission or fill out our survey.
The webinar is open to the public, and any interested stakeholders, and it is free. The webinar will be held via Microsoft Teams on Thursday 17 June at 12:30 pm and will run for approximately 1 hour.
Register your interest in attending the webinar
Next steps
You have until 5pm on Friday 9 July 2021 to make a submission, so visit www.dpipwe.tas.gov.au/crs to find all the details.
Once the public consultation period has closed, all submissions (except those marked confidential) will be made available on the CRS webpage, as well as a report summarising the findings of all the public consultation activities.
The Bill is expected to be tabled in Parliament later this year.