Weekend of Tartness coming to Brisbane

wot-posterBeer Lovers,

It’s the beginning of the silly season. What better way to welcome it than with a dance-heavy weekend of beer, beats and bacteria? Can’t get much sillier, really.

Introducing the Weekend of Tartness, from those (us, the Scratch Bar, duh) who brought you the Weekend of Darkness. It’s our tribute to sour ales and the beer wizards who brew them. It’s summer. Sour ales are refreshing as all get out. It’s a no brainer.

Sours are nothing new. They’ve been crafted for hundreds of years, arguably one of the most traditional styles of brewing. Utilising various strains of bacteria or wild yeast, or both, and methods of fermentation that involve either souring the beer during the brewing process (Kettle Sour) or ageing the beer in oak casks for extended periods of time, you are well on your way to producing a sour ale. Under the sour umbrella sits a variety of sub-styles: berliner weisse, saison, lambic, flanders (flemish) red, gose (pronounced go-zuh) and gueze. All have their own characteristics and personalities and are, for fear of seeming biased, very worth getting to know.

Full tap lineup: Click to enlarge

Full tap lineup: Click to enlarge

With that in mind, we’ll be tapping 37 rare and unique sours from 12pm each day on Saturday november 28th and Sunday November 29th (NEXT WEEK Y’ALL!).

There’s some heavy-hitters in attendance with kegs from some of the most experienced creators of sours and the Belgian classics, Brouwerji Cantillon, Gueuzerie Tilquin and Brouwerji Rodenbach, but this event, like many at the Scratch Bar, is about showcasing the superb brewing talent we have right here at home. Australia has a swiftly expanding craft beer industry led by phenomenally talented individuals, groups, breweries, bars and societies. There’s no shortage of good beer here!

Lots of beery love,

The Good Family Scratch

Event details:

Weekend of Tartness 2015 November 28th and November 29th Midday until Midnight The Scratch 8/1 Park Rd Milton QLD 4064 Free entry

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