Wilde reveals new lager for International Coeliac Day

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This May 16th is International Coeliac Day, and what better way to celebrate than withWilde Beers’newest varietal – Wilde Crisp Lager! The newest addition to Wilde’s core range uses pure sorghum to ensure it is 100% Gluten Free (GF). The beer is also all natural and vegan friendly, and Wilde is endorsed by Coeliac Australia.

This launch comes at the perfect time for Wilde, as the global GF beer market continues to expand rapidly, with a surge in valuation to USD $651.6 million and a forecasted CAGR of 14.9% predicted between 2018-2023.¹ Wilde is thrilled to be able to introduce Crisp Lager to the Australian market as this robust growth occurs; providing another delicious alternative for those with Coeliac Disease or looking to reduce their gluten intake.

Building on their hugely successful first beer release, the Wilde brewing team, based out of Tribe Breweries brewing headquarters in Goulburn, tweaked, tasted, and refined this recipe in order to give Aussies one of the most delicious, affordable, full-strength GF beers available on the market.

Roland Thiemann, Head of Innovation at Tribe Breweries says,“Our brewers have been working around the clock to create the recipe and find a unique way of processing the sorghum in the beer, in order to improve its mouthfeel, maintain head retention and yet still keep a crisp and refreshing taste. Carefully selected kettle hops improve the flavour, so you are left with a clean and refreshing drop that tastes just as good as its gluten-based counterparts.

“Sorghum is frequently overlooked by beer producers, because of the difficulties to brew with it. What many people don’t realise however, is that sorghum actually has many great health benefits and is highly nutritious with good amount of iron, but also, it is the better choice for our farmers! Since sorghum is drought resistant and demands significantly less water than other grains, it makes it the perfect base from which to brew Wilde Crisp Lager.”

Wilde Gluten Free Crisp Lager will be available to purchase from leading retailers including First Choice and Liquorland, from Monday, May 17, 2021 – just in time for International Coeliac Day. Coeliac Disease currently affects 1 in 70 Aussies, however 80% remain undiagnosed. Wilde Gluten Free is proud to be endorsed by leading national body, Coeliac Australia.

¹Reference:Market Research Future, 2021. Gluten Free Beer Market.

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