Young Henrys announced as SXSW Sydney major sponsor
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Today, upcoming futurist conference and festival,South by Southwest (SXSW)Sydney™hasannouncedYoung HenrysasSXSW Sydney™ Music Festival major sponsor, andUniversity of Technology Sydney (UTS) as its Education Partner.
Beloved independent brewers and distillers, Young Henrys have been lifetime supporters of music and culture in Sydney through their future-focused, community driven, innovative spirit and sustainable approach. As Music Festival major sponsor, their events expertise, adored hospitality and rock ‘n’ roll outlook will ignite music performance programs across Sydney next October.
Of their partnership,Young Henrys Director and Co-Founder,Oscar McMahonsays:“Young Henrys established itself in Sydney in 2012 and has always found its kindred spirits amongst the many culture creators within the arts, music, sustainability and hospitality scenes. SXSW Sydneymarks something significant for our city; giving us an opportunity to showcase our progressive, cultural and worldly side to a national and international audience. As an independent Australian business, we couldn’t be prouder to be stepping up to support such an important moment in the cultural landscape.”
Today, SXSW Sydney™ has alsoannounced an open invitation to the global SXSW®Community to participate inSession Select, the platform which will curate the core of theSXSWSydney™Conference programming.Session Select exists to empower the SXSW Sydney™community to play a significant role in the programming of the conference. By collaborating with creative professionals, experts and inspired thinkers from around the world, the platform will help SXSW Sydney™and its community identify innovative ideas that are timely, relevant and that they want to see within the event’s 2023 programming.