28 Sep 2019

Brews News Live - BrewCon19: James Omond

Thanks to Bintani we were able to take Radio Brews News to BrewCon and capture a little of what was on offer to those who were lucky enough to get to Australian craft brewing’s annual conference and

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28 Sep 2019

Brews News Live - BrewCon19: Axel Jany

Thanks to Bintani we were able to take Radio Brews News to BrewCon and capture a little of what was on offer to those who were lucky enough to get to Australian craft brewing’s annual conference and

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Brews News Week
27 Sep 2019

Brews News Week: Chemistry and Wit

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Beer is a Conversation banner with photo of Johann van der Walt
25 Sep 2019

Beer is a Conversation: Johann van der Walt

This week we sat down to chat with Green Beacon’s Johann van der Walt to talk about using experimental hops, his progression and more.

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24 Sep 2019

Brews News Live - BrewCon19: Maria Pearman

Thanks to Bintani we were able to take Radio Brews News to BrewCon 2019 and capture a little of what was on offer to those who were lucky enough to get to Australian craft brewing’s annual conferenc

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Brews News Week
20 Sep 2019

Brews News Week: A Harbinger Of What's Possible

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Beer is a Conversation banner with photo of Paul Halsey
18 Sep 2019

Beer is a Conversation: Paul Halsey

This week we chat with Paul Halsey, CEO of UK's Purity Brewing. Purity and South Australia's Prancing Pony have entered an agreement to brew their beers reciprocally to ensure a reduced carbon footprint and to support and encourage sustainable beer production. Paul is currently in Australia to brew the initial batch of Purity's Session IPA with Prancing Pony.

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17 Sep 2019

Brews News Live - BrewCon19: Rudi Ghequire

This week on Radio Brews News Live, Rodenbach’s Rudi Ghequire. Rudi’s bio reads that he was born in the shadow of the historic Rodenbach Brewery in Belgium, and has spent the last 37 years adv

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Brews News Week
13 Sep 2019

Brews News Week: Race to the Rheinheitsgebottom

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10 Sep 2019

Brews News Live: Pete Brown - BrewCon19

This is the first of our special editions of Radio Brews Brews recorded live at BrewCon19. Our coverage of BrewCon19 was made possible by Bintani, who are not only providing brewers with the finest in

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Beer is a Conversation banner with a photo of Sam Hambour and Duncan Gibson from Hop Nation
10 Sep 2019

Beer is a Conversation: Sam Hambour

We hear from Sam Hambour, co-founder of Melbourne's Hop Nation, along with friend Duncan Gibson. Sam is a straight shooter and we chat about his move from the wine industry to creating a contract brand and growing it to the point where they could open their own brewery. We hear a little about about their philosophy and approach to brewing, what they have learned about running a business from running a business and how, while they were anticipating potential legal issues about Jedi Juice, they were a little blindsided by their run in with ABAC.

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