Great Northern launches Father's Day website
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Forget about the socks and jocks, with millions of Australians unable to travel this year a new campaign encourages children to give their dad the gift of time in the future for Father’s Day.
A recent national survey found a third of Australians appreciated being able to spend more time with immediate family members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While the Australian Institute of Family Studies found 93 per cent of Australians tried to stay connected, more than a third of respondents found it difficult to connect with family members living elsewhere during the pandemic.
Newcastle dad, Bob Mason knows how difficult it can be to keep in touch during the pandemic and in lock down.
His daughter, Carmen lives just down the road but current restrictions mean she could be living on other side of the world.
“I think we used to fixate on material gifts like socks, BBQ tongs or a new tie – but let’s be honest what most of us dads with adult kids want this Father’s Day is more time with our families when we can,” he said.
“I can’t wear the socks and tie anywhere in any case and there’s no point giving me BBQ tongs when I can’t get the family over to enjoy it.”
Before the lockdowns were put in place, Bob and Carmen were selected to star together in a national television campaign celebrating fathers for Great Northern Brewing Co.
The ad, filmed before lockdown, shows them on a journey of rediscovering some of the simpler things in life.
To coincide with Father’s Day, Great Northern Brewing Co. has launched a website which allows adults to send their dad a personalised invitation to get back into the outdoors together once restrictions lift.
Great Northern’s Lauren Fildes said lockdowns and restricted travel around the country meant many people hadn’t been able to spend time with loved ones.
“We understand how tough it’s been on so many Australians who have been separated from family during the pandemic. So, whether you’re together or apart this Father’s Day, lockdowns permitting, we want people to consider giving the gift of time to get outdoors with their dads when they can,” she said.
“While some dads are locked down with young kids, older fathers have had to go without seeing grown children for weeks, months, and some for over a year,” Bob said.
“The one thing we’ve all learnt recently is that time together with family is precious, so I’m urging adult kids to give dad the gift of time this Father’s Day.
“I’m sure I can speak for almost every dad when I say send me an IOU for a trip away – a camping trip, a bike ride, let’s go fishing. I want to make some memories to make up for all the lost time with family.”
Father’s Day IOUs are free and available at the www.thegreatestgift.com.au