IBD Asia Pacific Biennial Convention 2020
Content published as an Announcement is produced by the business(es) named in the announcement and remains unedited by Brews News.
With the Technical Programme virtually finalised, most sponsorships already locked in and a very strong line up of exhibitors for our Trade Show, the success of this great event is now assured.
The theme of the Convention is “The Power of Connectivity” and this has been clearly demonstrated by our success in attracting a range of speakers from around the world.
They are ready to impart their knowledge and expertise giving attendees the opportunity to learn from Industry leaders and in a number of cases people who are renowned world-wide for their industry experience.
We have already announced our Keynote speaker Rebecca Newman, Director of Quality at Lagunitas Brewing Company. A quality assurance veteran with multi-brewery experience, Rebecca will underscore our connectivity theme flanked by University of California legends Charlie Bamforth and Glen Fox – emeritus and current professors of Malting and Brewing Science.
One of the highlights of the Programme will be a Panel session on Wednesday afternoon posing the question “Where has all the Research gone?” and there is no one more qualified to moderate this session than Charlie Bamforth.
Another Panel session on Monday will explore the “Power of Connectivity” with a number of panellists from quite diverse industry backgrounds.
Dedicated sessions will examine Sustainability and the Impact of climate change on raw materials and there will be 2 sessions devoted to the ancient art of Distilling.
Sessions on Quality, Malt, Hops and Packaging round out the Programme with an emphasis throughout the 4 exciting days on appealing to the ever expanding Craft Brewing industry, especially with the size of this sector in Western Australia.
Registration to be a part of this exciting programme is now open and appropriate information can be found at www.ibd2020.com.au.
The Convention begins on Monday 16th March through to 20th March with plenty of opportunities for delegates to network via technical sessions, the Trade Exhibition and at relaxed social activities with attendees from Asia Pacific and overseas.
It is still possible to sign up as a Sponsor or Exhibitor to the Convention, offering significant opportunities to promote your business to the hundreds of delegates who will be in attendance.
In line with our Theme of Connectivity follow this link to keep an eye out for the latest Technical Programme and watch out for our unique Convention App which will be available in early 2020 for real time notifications on all our latest developments.