Lord Nelson celebrates dual milestones
A total of400 guests wereat Sydney’sLord Nelson Brewery Hotel on Thursday night to toast its 175th anniversary as a pub and 30 years of brewing.
In a rousing address, owner Blair Hayden paid tribute to the pub’s other shareholders, its customers and supporters, as well as his veteran barstaff, Cole Bailey and Martin Longhurst, who have been at the pub for the duration of Hayden’s 30-year tenure.
“These two blokes were working here prior to me… It’s not always when you take over a business and try and rejuvenate it that you can retain the same staff,” Hayden said.
“But I can assure you that the loyalty and fun that I’ve had with these two gentlemen is insurmountable,” he said.
Hayden said the Lord Nelson’s 175th Anniversary Ale is called ‘Dead Ahead’, “because that’s the way our rudder is set”.
“We don’t believe in gaming machines, we believe in food, fine wines, and natural ale,” he declared.