Radio Brews News - Episode 58 - Rosie Mansfield, James Hird & Mark Toomey

Mark Toomey
In a bumper, but Prof-less, episode Matt catches up with Toohey’s Brewery Director Mark Toomey to learn all about the new Toohey’s Darling Pale Ale.
Sections of social media have delighted in sneering at the media release describing the beer as ‘unchallenging’ but we learn from Mark that the beer is all malt, uses a blend of Galaxy, Willamette and Amarillo hops and the Tooheys ale yeast. It may be subtle – restrained even – but with Little Creatures’ broadened distribution for Furphy and other launches planned in the near future it does give an indication as to where Lion sees the beer market going.

Rosie Mansfield
But first we catch up with ‘Gen Y’ nutritionist Rosie Mansfield and chat Dry July. Rosie says Dry July can help develop a more balanced attitude to drinking and kick start healthier habits for life. While we’re for beer we’re also all for the message of moderation.
We then chat with James Hird, the current Good Food Sommelier of the Year.
Hird caused quote a bit of controversy on Brews News this week when he told editor James Atkinson of his love for Resch’s and described craft beer as being similar to the overblown wines of the 80s.

James Hird
Facebook comments on the article were indignant that a ‘wine’ sommelier would have thoughts on beer, even though the typical sommelier guides the venues entire drink list. We thought we’d have a chat to James to dig a little deeper into his thoughts on beer, wine and being a sommelier.
Radio Brews News is hosted by Matt Kirkegaard and Pete Mitcham and is produced by Lachie Mackintosh.