Radio Brews News - Episode 83 - Pete Brown in the haus
This week Pete and Matt have a beer – actually have a beer this time – with beer writer Pete Brown.
Pete was in Australia researching Australian hops for his upcoming book What Are You Drinking? and in a very wide-ranging and free-flowing conversation we chat about three current books from Pete, where he think beer is beer headed, pub culture and even cider gets a look in.
Pete is one of the world’s great beer communicators and this is a cracking chat.
Don’t forget that the Good Beer Week program is now available and tickets are on sale. Australian Brews News are proud media partners of the event and present the Beer Geek stream of the program.
Don’t forget to send us your feedback, or leave a voice mail by calling (07) 3040 1508, that we’ll play on our next show.
Radio Brews News is hosted by Matt Kirkegaard and Pete Mitcham and is produced by Lachie Mackintosh.
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