Kegstar announces personnel changes
As it accelerates its global expansion, Kegstar is pleased to announce today that Joe Cookhas moved into a newly created global role, focused on innovation and business growth, andthat Judd Michel has joined Kegstar as General Manager Australia & New Zealand.
Joe Cook, General Manager, Innovation & Business Growth
Joe Cook, existing General Manager Australia & New Zealand, has been with Kegstar sincethe start-up phase and has led Kegstar through an exciting period of growth. After a robusthandover period with Judd, Joe will be promoted into a newly created role at Kegstar global
level as General Manager Innovation & Business Growth and will work closely with Founder &Managing Director Adam Trippe-Smith to expand Kegstar around the world.
Joe commented: ‘I am extremely proud of what has been achieved by Kegstar in Australiaand New Zealand and especially with the success of our bespoke tracking solution KegstarTracks. I consider myself very lucky to be in this high passion, high growth industry and nowto be working in this environment on a global level is a challenge I’m really looking forwardto.”
Judd Michel, General Manager, Australia & New Zealand
Judd comes to Kegstar with 18 years experience in the beer industry with SABMiller,Heineken, Drinkworks and Coca-Cola Amatil and we look forward to Judd leading our ANZteam through our next phase of growth.
Judd commented: “I am really excited to be working with the amazing team at Kegstar inAustralia and New Zealand. With the explosion of craft beer and cider over the past few yearsand the service that Kegstar provides, it’s a win-win situation for all involved and that is truly
rare and exciting.”
“Having worked with world-class beer and cider brands over the past 18 years, I hope to bringmy own experiences and learning from a supplier / brewer side to ensure we continue toprovide outstanding service to our customers, so they can continue to delight and surpriseconsumers.”
“The Kegstar team has done a phenomenal job to date and the challenge for the team andmyself is to continue to raise the bar and keep delivering quality service and results.”
Kegstar first launched in December 2012 with 880 kegs, one person and one customer.
Global supply chain logistics company Brambles acquired a 30% stake in March 2014 andmoved to 100% ownership on 1 December 2015.